5 Essential Steps in the Fashion Design + Development Process

Posted on Categories 2018, Design + Development, Fashion + Soft GoodsTags ,

Creating clothing is not rocket science. Unless you plan on pitching a collection of space suits to NASA, then you will definitely want to study more about that space. But still, no matter what you are planning to design, there should be a purpose, reason, and vision behind it.

Now, what are the steps?
They are as simple as the following:

5 Essential Steps in the Fashion Design + Development Process
1// Who are you designing for?
2// What are you planning to offer to your targeted audience?
3// When do you plan to launch?
4// Where are you going to launch?
5// Why should your targeted audience buy from you, and not all the other existing brands out there?
6// How are you going to convince your why to the who when executing steps 2 and 4 by step 3?

Basically, have a plan.
Even better, a business plan.

Sorry to tell you, this post won’t be able to give you a shortcut. Ultimately every decision leading up to your baby being born is a critical one, so cut out the shortcuts when building the foundation.

Once you know your who, what, when, where, why, and how, you may need some expert help to translate those ideas into a tangible product line. If you are looking for some guidance to start or real assistance for your young business, send us an inquiry! We would love to help you reach your goals.

Want to learn more?
Check out our Samples to see
how we built designs for our clients!


// Stephanie Ip

Stephanie is a Creative Director and Consultant, providing creative strategy development support to small and large scale businesses in the industries of Fashion and Soft Goods. She specializes in Design and Development. Learn more about her here.

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